Intuitive Content Coaching
Tips and strategies to authentically write and market your business
As a solopreneur, you most probably need to do some form of content marketing, such as writing short social media posts, long-form articles, or recording audio/video content.
In other words, you are a writer and marketer too!
In my journey to write more articles and explore new directions in my solopreneur business, I’ve connected with so many solopreneurs who have so much wisdom and expertise to share with their ideal audience. But, they’re often either tired or feeling confused about the right way to engage through social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
Through this private 1-on-1 Intuitive Content Coaching session, I will help you to:
✍Understand the way you naturally write and engage with your ideal audience.
✍Realign with your authentic writing style using some simple and practical tips and strategies.
✍Brainstorm some content ideas that benefit your ideal audience the most.
If you'd like to read more details about it, do continue to scroll down and read :)
If you're ready to purchase a session, please click this button to book an appointment slot and make payment.
Before we focus on specific writing and marketing strategies, it's so important to first understand what your authentic writer personality is.
I've found a way to describe my clients' unique writer personalities through reading their Human Design birth charts.
What is Human Design?
Human Design is a modality I use to access your unique energetic blueprint. Here's an example of a Human Design birth chart (shown on the left).
As my client, you don’t have to understand the modality well, as I will use jargon-free terms to explain what I see from your chart.
Some Optional Info:
If you’re curious about the modality, you can read this brief introductory article to explain what Human Design is, and why it’s described as a user manual for your life. Here is another article that explains how you can read your chart as a beginner.
What a Session With Me Looks Like
This is a scheduled one-hour session where we meet over online Zoom.
Before we meet, I will ask you for:
Your birth details (date, time, and place of birth) so I can generate your unique Human Design chart.
I will also ask you about your intentions, challenges, and specific questions you want to ask about your content marketing.
Using simple layman terms, I will share with you:
How your chart affects the way you write, what you write about, and how you naturally engage with your audience.
Some practical tips and strategies to write and promote your content/business in a way that's more aligned with your authentic writer personality.
Your session will be recorded with your permission, and I will upload it as an unlisted YouTube video and send you the URL to watch. Only you, me, and anyone you want to share the link with will have access to the video. Other than that, it will be completely private.
P.S. If you're concerned about whether your chart is good or bad, please rest assured that every chart is perfect, and what matters most is how aligned you are to your own chart.
Unnecessary challenges occur when we are not fully aligned to our charts, due to influences from other people, places, and events in our lives.
Would You Like To Read Some Case Studies?
Through my personal publication sharing Human Design articles, I’ve interviewed fellow writers and started connecting their writer personalities to their Human Design charts. Here are the links to the case studies:
Here Are Some Recent Testimonials Too!
#1. Natalie, USA
"Working with Bingz has been so great. She helped me get clear on how to structure my Medium articles, how to submit to publications so I can be more visible, and also helped me see things in my Human Design chart that I could really use in my writing to make it much more "me". She also asked me questions that I could answer as articles to help build my content to help my readers really get to know who I am and what I stand for. Her clarity and support is priceless!" ~ (Aug 23, 2021)#2. Ranjani Rao, Singapore
“Yesterday I had a lovely chat with Bingz Huang where we talked about Human Design. Even though I didn't know much about it, in our short time together, Bingz was able to tell me things about myself which felt like she was showing me a mirror into my inner self and my motivations.
I highly recommend a session with Bingz for building self-awareness and also for using the information from the session to clarify your thoughts on the best ways to connect with people while creating your ideal life.
I am glad I was able to have this discussion with Bingz which has made me more curious about Human Design and how to use the knowledge wisely. I look forward to learning more!” ~ (Aug 18, 2021)#3. Elana Christiansen, USA
“Hi Bingz, Thank you for this! I really have no idea what Human Design is, so this was very interesting to read. I resonate with everything you wrote!
I love your idea about finding things on Medium that I feel comfortable with. I don't know where to start, but I'm going to spend some time looking on the site.” ~ (May 13, 2021)#4. Anu Anniah, Writer and Author, India
“Before I met Bingz, I knew nothing about Human Design. She hosted a session to analyse my Human Design Chart and told me that my Incarnation Cross is the Vessel of Love. It sounded perfect! Vessel of love - yup! That'd be me. Bingz pointed out that I carry a lot of love in my heart and that I am naturally gentle. I was surprised by her analysis because she didn't actually know me well. That a Human Design Chart holds so much information was interesting.The best part was how she connected all my articles to my persona. She saw a pattern that I had not noticed. No matter what I wrote about, the central theme was love - an interesting insight into my writing style. Clearly, that is my strength and the more I play to it, the better I will be along this path.” ~ (Mar 23, 2021)
How To Book a Reading With Me
Introductory Offer Price: USD$90 (1-hour private session over Zoom, with recording)
Payment can be made via Stripe or Paypal.
Alternatively, you can pay SGD$120 via PayNow or Paylah to my mobile number. (please email me at bingz@bingzhuanghealer.com if you'd like to make payment this way)
Before we meet, I will ask you for:
Your birth details (date, time, and place of birth) so I can generate your unique Human Design chart.
Your main intentions, challenges, and specific questions you want to ask about your content marketing.
Thank you for your interest!
With gratitude,