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A channeled passage on Pain
December 8, 2015
One of my goals for 2015 was to write and publish a book. I didn't manage to accomplish it and recently I had a huge awakening with renewed motivation and inspiration to write and publish a new book! 
I've been writing one short passage every day for a few days now, and there is this passage that I really love that I'd like to share with you now:

I wonder what it might be about for you to feel free, both in body and in spirit.

To be able to feel the wind in your hair, to breathe deeply and with gratitude, to feel your spirit soar gloriously.  

To feel constantly in love with every moment of your life, even the painful ones.

Ah yes, the painful ones.

We’re coming back to the topic of pain again.

So that you can release ALL the pain you’ve stored, both consciously, and unconsciously.

There isn’t any real need to hoard all the old pains, you’ll get new ones definitely.

That’s life!

As the years go by, you’ll encounter new things to worry about, new events to be angry about, new people you disappoint or be disappointed with, loss of relationships to grieve about.

That’s a lot of new pain that will keep coming in, along with new memories to treasure and reignite the fire in your heart.

Continue to keep experiencing new experiences in your life as they come in.

Love them, hate them, cry over them, hug them, and let them go.

Continue to flow in your own river, till you arrive in the big sea where we all become ONE again.

Breathe. Let each breath go. Send each breath away with blessings.

When you bless each moment of your life, it sends an amazing ripple effect throughout the people you encounter in your reality.

Such, such beautiful, wonderful LOVE.

The warm fuzzy feeling that radiates from your heart and makes you smile with pure radiance.

That’s YOU.

And You are LOVE.
I hope that you can feel the loving healing energies from this passage above! Please do share this post on social media if you have enjoyed reading it.
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