Have you ever doubted yourself? Have you ever proudly displayed your brand new creations to the public, expecting overwhelming positive feedback just because you got over your fear and did it, but the response wasn’t overwhelming, and now you’re feeling embarrassed for having done it at all and you just want to retreat back into your shell and imagine the great things that you would do, instead of actually attempting it with your clumsy human self?
Lately I've been feeling embarrassed about my podcasts. I published a series of short healing podcasts demonstrating the simplicity, gentleness and effectiveness of healing using The Wonder Method. My motivation came from sharing my love of this wonderful healing modality, but I felt that my voice is too small, I sounded too nervous, and the background noise made the podcasts sounds unprofessional. Even though I had some pretty good feedback on the podcasts, the fact that I didn't have overwhelming raving feedback, and that clients are not swarming to book sessions with me made me feel very inadequate. I wanted to delete all my podcasts, pretend that I'm not running a business and just hide.
As I sat there whining to my husband, he suggested that I apply The Wonder Method on this issue. And so I did! I tuned into my embarrassment and asked for a message. Here's what I got:
Your ego comes up with a million reasons to convince you that your creations are just not good enough to be seen / heard / felt by others. It’s way safer to just daydream and not connect with anybody at all.
This is such a clear and profound message for me. I continued to wonder what it might be about for me to shine my light fully and freely. I wondered what it might be about for my podcasts be an embodiment of the light I shine so fully and freely. The energy felt so expansive and warm like sunshine and it created a contented smile on my face. I felt renewed faith in the human part of me again.
I do hope that this short little post inspires you to keep doing what you love to do! Please do share this blog post if it inspires you!