I first learned crochet when I was pregnant with my first newborn in 2011. In fact, a psychic suggested I go learn it!
Crocheting things for my newborns is so very therapeutic. Once I got the hang of it, it was easy to pour my love into these little things that would let my babies feel safe and loved.
This was the very first item I crocheted: a baby blanket for my first newborn in 2012:

So another one and a half years went by as I watched my baby grow up into a toddler who can finally walk and talk and eat with us at the dining table. Life seemed to be getting easier till I got pregnant with number two. I was thrilled yet scared at the same time, not knowing how we would be able to cope with two sons and how to manage sibling rivalry as well. There were so many new challenges in this pregnancy too: I was miserable having to go through another winter again in Boston, I missed my family and hometown in Singapore, and I had a few new health issues.
My solution was to nurture my feelings of nurture through crochet again. Having this new project of doing a newborn photo shoot of my second son with a few new crochet items kept me going. The cocoon, baby blanket, mittens, beanie and spiral mat served as my extra hands to keep giving love to my new baby even while he was still growing in me. These precious photos serve as a lovely reminder of the constant loving energies nurturing both my baby and me.
Here are some of the photos! I hope you feel the Love from looking at them too!